
V Setmana de les Llengües de Signes

Com molts de vosaltres sabeu, sóc a Vitòria, a la VSLS. Quan torni a casa penjaré el post que estic preparant per tal de compartir amb vosaltres aquest event: fotos, anècdotes, pinzellades d'una setmana ben interessant.

As many of you may know, I'm in Vitoria, at the V Week of Sign Languages. Back home I'll upload the post that I'm preparing, in order to share with you this event: photos, anecdotes, and a few strokes of the brush (sorry for my literal translation, my English is not as good as Onno's) of a really interesting week.

2 comentaris:

Onno ha dit...

T'as raison, le Catalan c'est pas trop difficile à lire ;-)

llenguaddicta ha dit...

Tu vois? T'as tout compris... n'est-ce pas? ;-)